Price List
Every person, every part of the body, and even every vein is unique; every patient’s case is just as unique. Therefore, in this section of the site, we describe the various factors forming the cost of vein surgery.
After a diagnosis was made and your needs/wishes were discussed, during a consultation we will inform you about the full cost of the vein surgery, if you need it.
The total cost of vein surgeries is formed depending on the specifics of the issue, the method selected, and additional necessary examinations and consultations. The cost of the surgery is formed depending on the specifics of the issue and the method selected.
The pricing examples provided in this section are based on the average cost of a surgery over many years of practice. That is why the costs may differ depending on the case.
The price of the surgery at the Baltic Vein Clinic includes a surgery without lateral branches, anaesthesia, and a stay in day-care facility. When you are ready to undergo a vein surgery, always evaluate what is included in the service. Therefore, you will save yourself from a possible unpleasant surprise, as the volume of services differs in various clinics.
Explanation for abbreviations:
EVLT - endovenous laser surgery
SVS - endovenous thermal ablation with steam microimpulses
EVRF - endovenous radiofrequency surgery using F Care systems technology
RFO - endovenous radiofrequency surgery using VNUS Closure FAST technology
Diagnostic services can be obtained with funding from NVD (National Health Service), we also cooperate with all Latvian health insurance companies. Services are available by appointment and on a first come, first served basis. Tel. +371 267847200; venuklinika@vc4.lv.
1 leg without lateral branches
In case of thermal ablation methods:
Bioadhesive - from 2230,00
Foam sclerotherapy of the trunk (chemical method) – from 125,00
Varady phlebectomy (classic method) - from 751,00
2 legs without lateral branches
In case of thermal ablation methods:
Bioadhesive - from 2537,00
Foam sclerotherapy of the trunk (chemical method) - from 250,00
Varady phlebectomy (classic method) – cannot be performed, as one leg is operated at a time
In cooperation with Sefinance services are available as credit, click here.
In cooperation with Aizdevums.lv services are available as credit, click here.
In cooperation with Klix services are available as credit, click here.
Please see the prices for individual services here:
The price list is for information only. Prices may change several times a year. Prices of "Veselības centrs 4" may vary from branch to branch and from group company to group company! Please consult the price list of each branch, clinic and group company separately!