From March 1st many Covid-19 restrictions for Latvia entry are canceled
From March 1st, Latvian government has decided to lift many of the Covid-19 related restrictions regarding entering Latvia from other countries.
Measures canceled:
- When entering Latvia, self-isolation requirement will be abolished. Imported Covid-19 cases do not create an additional burden to the public safety, says the Ministry of Health.
- The covidpass.lv is no longer effective, therefore, the platform will be suspended as of March 1.
- The countries will no longer be divided into risk groups, the goal is to reduce uncertainties for passengers and to avoid the complicated entry rules.
- A ban on entry from particularly high-risk countries (if any, as determined by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, as well as the Latvian Disease Prevention and Control Center) which may pose a significant risk to public health is maintained. Currently, no such countries are identified.
What you should know prior entering Latvia
A person is entitled to enter the Republic of Latvia if he or she presents one of the following document::
- A valid interoperable certificate,
- A vaccination or disease certificate issued in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand or Canada;
- A negative Covid-19 test result; a test certificate shall certify that a person has performed a laboratory test within the last 72 hours or an antigen test during the last 48 hours prior to boarding the vehicle of a carrier or, if entering in a non-commercial vehicle, the test is negative. If the country of departure does not ensure the issuance of an interoperable test certificate, the person shall certify the fact of the test with the result of the test in the language of the country of departure or in English in paper or electronic form (on a smart device).
- Indoors, the requirement to use a medical mask or FFP2 respirator will be maintained..
New regulations in Latvia regarding Covid-19
- So far closed sectors, such as indoor entertainment, attractions, nightclubs, will be opened again.
- The working time limit will also be lifted.
- Covid-19 certifications will not be required for events and services outdoors.